Please excuse the clutter here at the blog right now. I am in the process of redesigning it for easier access so please bear with me. Most of the old recipes are still here (for my old followers) and I am working on a complete new format, which I hope will make it easy to find stuff quickly.

Remember if a recipe has the letters T-A-O attached to it anywhere, it is one of my personal exclusives.



This is an except from something I originally posted to my Farm Blog June, 2007.

We lost our strawberry crop for this season. The crazy spring weather this year effectively wiped out our strawberry crop which cost us thousands of potential dollars. This was the first year for this field of plants to produce because we moved our strawberry plot to its new permanent location. Because the plants were young and newly planted (in the fall of 2006), they simply couldn't stand up to the stress of the meteorological roller coaster of February, March and April, 2007. and so they never bloomed a second time so no berries this season.

Strawberries are perennials and will establish themselves over a season, put out runners with new "baby" plants that root eventually and when the runner dies, there is a new plant. This produces a mass or "matted" patch in about 2 seasons. In the very cold temps of winter, strawberry plants go dormant and when it warms up in the spring they burst into life, bloom and produce berries like crazy and then the plants just spend the rest of the year growing and putting down strong roots and making runners (baby plants). That means that next year, even if we have another bout of weird temps, the plants will have enough reserve to bloom again later in the season because they have followed their natural life cycle more closely that the forced cycle method that many growers use. We plant a type that is "June bearing" meaning that they bear their main crop once, for 8-10 weeks, depending on the weather.  "Everbearing" varieties bear all season long, but the harvest can be much smaller than for June bearing varieties. 

Today is also a "preservation" day for me. I have almost a bushel of pears that have been donated from some wonderfully generous folks who have pear trees. The pears are not organic but they haven't been sprayed with anything (not necessary). I also have some mountain apples that we got from the "Apple Man".

The Apple Man, comes from up in Sparta, NC, which is just north of us. He brings down pick up truck loads of apples from the orchards in his community. The apples I am using to make apple butter today are apples I got from him late last year and have had in cold storage since around Christmas.  The Apple Man has been coming around with his truck loads of apples for  25 years or longer and he has a group of regular customers in our community. Apple Man comes by every couple of weeks during apple harvest seasons and sells all kinds of apples, like Rusty Coats, Stayman Winesaps, Jonah Golds, Red Delicious, etc.  (The Apple Man didn't come back  that season due to his own declining health. I found out later that he had passed away..) 

Now back to preservation. I decided since I got the apple peeler/corer out anyway, I would make pear honey and apple butter. Making fruit butters my way is an all day event. I don't use added sugar so the fruit has to cook and cook and cook and cook....about 8-10 hours to get it right. And it has to be stirred a lot, too. After you spend hours peeling and prepping the fruit, you sure don't want to scorch and ruin it, so you plan on hanging around the house all day on preservation day.

I will be making pear honey, which is like a "butter" but because of the texture and water content of pears, they will never cook down thick enough to call the result a butter. Butters are supposed to be smooth and pears stay grainy, no matter how much you cook and puree. Pear honey can be made any number of ways, but my favorite is just pure pears with a little ginger.

On the other hand, apples cook down into a smooth, creamy buttery consistency even with no sugar added. I make mine several ways, sometimes spiced with cinnamon, mace, cardamom and nutmeg or plain. This time I am going to make some with cranberries and ginger added. Yum.  (This version turned out to be a favorite.)

When you make butters, if the fruits are ripe and sweet, you don't need to add sugar. The sugars in the fruit are quite enough. I think this is a superior product to sugary jams and jellies but there are some fruits you can't make butter out of, because they will never thicken properly on their own. Another reason people make jams and jellies instead of butters is because it takes about twice as much fruit. Citrus fruits, for example. But I have made butters out of strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, apples, blueberries and in combination with bananas or as mixed fruits. We use them in winter on toast, English muffins or my favorite, over whole grain griddlecakes.